Financial Websites
Stock Screener searches through large amount of stock data and returns a list of stocks that match one or more selected criteria for investing.
Track all your investment accounts in one place, in real-time. Once you link your accounts, you will be able to see your real-time P&L, returns, holdings, trades, and portfolio statistics.
Seeking Alpha has unparalleled breadth and depth: from stocks, ETFs, and mutual funds to commodities and cryptocurrency, including thousands of stocks not analyzed elsewhere. Written by investors for investors, more than 7,000 contributors publish 10,000 investing ideas every month.Â
WeBull is another great platform we started using for trading and specifically for Day Trading. This investment tool offers free trading services designed to help you get started investing immediately, whether you’re new to the game or an experienced investor. WebBull is fully customizable; investors can choose from thousands of investment options. WeBull has a lot of data to help your decision making when it comes to investing.
TipRanks is the most comprehensive dataset of analysts, hedge fund managers, financial bloggers, and corporate insiders. We provide answers to the most basic questions: are they reliable and accurate? What is their track record? Are there better opinions out there? And, most importantly- should I listen to this particular person? TipRanks stops the guessing game and shows you an updated and accurate view so you can make the most educated investment decisions.
Earnings Whispers is, first and foremost, a research firm that focuses on gathering the most accurate earnings expectations for upcoming earnings releases. We were founded in 1998 in direct response to poor and inaccurate earnings information being promulgated by some as a “whisper number”. Most of these numbers were in contrast to well-known expectations of investment professionals and, thus, Earnings Whispers was launched to gather these professional earnings expectations.