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Money Geek Personal Finance, Investing & Self Development Books

Here are some of the books I highly recommend. This is not the complete list of books I have read but wanted to give you guys something to start with. Remember that your brain is like a muscle and needs constant training to be in shape. Reading is one of the best ways to get knowledge, learn new skills and improve your life. Knowledge is power that NOBODY can ever take from you…READ MORE BOOKS.

I will continue to update the list with more books I find interesting so stay tuned.


The Intelligent Investor is a great book for anyone who is interested in introducing themselves into the world of investing, or wants to hone their skills and better themselves. Although, while a great book I would not recommend it to anyone who doesn’t have the discipline to treat this book as a college textbook. Annotate, take notes, and create a guide. If you want to start taking investing seriously and want to begin practicing the discipline of self education, this is the book for you. Get the book on Amazon


Your Money Or Your Life is considered my go-to book for taking back your life by changing your relationship with money.That relationship encompasses more than just your earning, spending, debts and savings; it also includes the time these functions take in your life. Get the book on Amazon


The Automatic Millionaire is a good book. It is more for beginners that are not familiar with automated investing/dollar cost averaging. It does provide a good plan to get people started. The pay yourself first principle is relatively basic but the automation piece detailed in this book is a good tool to help get people started on the right path. Overall this book is a good place for someone looking to start investing for their future. Get the book on Amazon


The Millionaire Next Door is such an inspiring read because it shows almost anyone can become a millionaire if you live below your means and invest well. I love that the majority of millionaires are people you’d never suspect because they don’t live flashy lives in big houses with high-status toys. Get the book on Amazon


Rich Dad Poor Dad is one of my favorite classic books. Whenever someone ask me about success, I tell them to read this book…whats crazy is that they don’t read it. You can lead a horse to water but can’t make it drink. The book changed my life and it will change yours. Do you want change or do you just want to talk and think about change? There is a big difference , do it. Get the book on Amazon


The Richest Man in Babylon is a great book that teaches the wisdom and discipline on how to make money, and to hold onto your money, save your hard earned money and consider profitable investments with wisdom. The principles contained within as old as time but they work and provided you actually READ and APPLY the knowledge in this book; you’ll build wealth. Get the book on Amazon


Think And Grow Rich is yet another classic. I chose to read this book because I have met several people who have read it and they say, it’s a game changer . This book is filled with confirmation , spiritual truth , and wisdom beyond your imagination. Reading this book could change your life if you adhere to the philosophies. Get the book on Amazon


Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind is a great motivational book, even though I don’t agree with some of his ideas. For example, the drive to get wealth shouldn’t be put first over family. I’ve seen too many people put all their energy into getting wealthy but neglected their spouse and children while doing so. Still a good read though. Get the book on Amazon


The Money Book For The Young Fabulous & Broke is a great book to learn about a lot of the really important things in the financial world, especially as a young person. It talks about credit, loans, finances in relationship to buying cars, and even has a section about finances and relationships, and those are just some of the different topics. A good financial foundation isn’t extremely hard to get; you just have to know where to look, and this is a great book to start out with. Get the book on Amazon


The Total Money Makeover  introduces the debt snowball approach as something quite valuable that took reading about in this book to fully grasp and get behind. It’s quite simple in its brilliance actually. You make a list of your debts from smallest to biggest and focus all of your financial effort on one debt at a time (making only the minimum payment on all others), working your way down. Get the book on Amazon

Index Card

The Index Card provides simple advice that is most likely to follow and this book does a great job of laying out exactly that – simple steps you can take to protect your financial future and *why* those are good steps and how to avoid common pitfalls. Get the book on Amazon


The Power Of Habits is a great book. The brain creates habits because it simplifies our activities. If we had to consciously decide and think out everything we do every day throughout the day from scratch it would be overwhelming for the brain. Habits are little routines that automate aspects of our behavior. We are not usually conscious that the habit is being formed, and once it is in place we need not expend much thought to follow it. It is a very effective efficiency that our minds use to free us up to think about other things. Get the book on Amazon


This book can be controversial if you don’t discern. Yes, some of the tips given in the book sound amazing but not realistic (or legal in some situations), but that’s where your gotta use critical thinking skills (or common sense) to determine what works best for you. I value efficiency, and this book encompasses that. Great, easy read. High re-readability too. Get the book on Amazon

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Hi! I’m Valentine Nde

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